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ABITA Centro Interuniversitario di Architettura Bioecologica e Innovazione Tecnologica per l'Ambiente - Master

Master ABITA 2020-2021 - EN



Poster | Leaflet 

Under the patronage of:


Decree Establishing Master ABITA 2020-2021



MASTER ABITA 2020-2021

Coordinator of the Master: Prof. Paola Gallo


The ABITA Interuniversity Center of the University of Florence, organizes for the academic year 2020-2021 the 18th edition of the 2nd level Master in Bioecological Architecture and Technological Innovation for the Environment (ABITA).


The ABITA Master's Degree offers an advanced training course in the field of energy efficiency and environmental sustainability in the construction sector in accordance with the most recent international and national regulations regarding energy saving.

The Master is a moment of connection between the university training course and the labor market which, with greater incidence, is projected towards the search for specialized, highly qualified professionals with transversal skills as well as being transferable to different areas of the construction sector with zero impact.

The ABITA Master provides theoretical knowledge and technical-practical skills for the requalification of the existing building heritage (Deep Renovation) and the design of buildings with high standards of energy efficiency corresponding to the nZEB target (nearly Zero Energy Building).

The main objective of the ABITA Master is to offer highly specialized training compared to that generally offered in the current training framework of the faculties of architecture and engineering, providing methods and operational tools for the design of the built environment, on an urban scale and on a building scale, according to an integrated perspective with aspects of environmental, economic and social sustainability.

The program is aimed at training experienced professionals in the management of the entire organized building process according to the typical life cycle phases (design, construction, management, maintenance, requalification and disposal) in compliance with the indications of the LCA (Life Cycle Analysis) and LCC (Life Cycle Cost) most widespread internationally.

To this end, the ABITA Master can count on the participation of professors who come from universities and research centers of national and international renown, which during the lectures will deepen the inherent themes: bioclimatic architecture; the thermophysics of the building-plant system; innovative materials and advanced technologies for nZEB buildings; integrated technological systems for energy production from RES (Renewable Energy Sources); the economic evaluation of the project in a LCC perspective; environmental assessment and certification systems (LEED, BREEAM, etc.) with respect to the LCA approach; energy analysis at urban and building scale.


ultimo aggiornamento: 07-Lug-2020
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